How People Fall in Love…with Your Brand

For over a decade now, my philosophy on branding has remained largely unchanged; and can be summed up in one simple idea—

that a brand is a relationship.

And the same qualities that build a strong relationship between people, make for a strong brand: attraction, compatibility and trust.



Just like when you first meet someone, something has to draw you in or capture your attention—their smile, their style, the way they speak. A brand’s first objective is to attract. Whether its by a beautiful image on your instagram, a well-designed website or customer experience—a good brand will attract people to you.

And a great brand—a great brand won’t attract just anyone….a great brand will attract the right ones.



Your brand has to be more than just a pretty face.

As in love, the relationship won’t last if you share nothing in common. This is why I always say that a brand is so much more than a logo. Your brand goes beyond what you see, to what you say, do and believe.

And now more than ever, people want to connect on a deeper level and purchase with purpose. They expect brands and businesses to be driven by values as much as they are profits.

So your brand’s second, equally important job is to show your customers that you are a good fit for them. Your brand needs to connect them to your story and your values. This is what is going to set you apart from all the other fish in the sea.



Trust…just like in relationships… doesn’t come overnight. And it cannot be bought (so no, don’t ever buy followers.)

Trust must be earned. It is the result of your brand showing up consistently and meeting your customers expectations every time, over time. What you say and do must be consistent with who you say you are and what you believe.

The longer and more consistently that you are able to show up in this way, the more lasting and sustainable your relationship with your customer will be. This is the stuff that turns a customer into a converter and consumers into a community.

Just as there are so many dimensions to a person, there are many dimensions to a brand.

But, also understand that at the end of the day we are all just humans looking to connect to each other and the world around us.

Approach your brands in the same way you approach the relationships in your life and I promise, people will fall in love.


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