My passion is helping people live theirs.


After working for over a decade as a brand designer in the agency world, I felt that beautiful, strategic branding seemed only accessible to big companies with big budgets.

But what about the mom-and-pops, the small but mighty makers, solopreneurs and side hustlers that were working hard to build their businesses?

If you have a passion or dream, I want you to have a real chance at it. And you'll need more than a logo to get you there. You deserve a brand that captures your unique story and connects to your customers in a meaningful way—a brand that you can be proud of.


Why me?


I'm a solopreneur just like you.

Aside from spending my career designing big brands for big companies, I'm also a multi-passionate creative with my own small side hustle Ink+Ash. I know what it's like and what it takes to do all the things with a tiny budget while wearing as many hats as you do.

You bring your passion, I'll bring mine.


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